Friday, March 14, 2008

Secong Assignment- Character

I had to change my book because i couldn't find mine anywhere... and i didn't feel like buying it. I changed it to Big Fish by Daniel Wallace, i've seen the movie so i just wanted to know if it was the same thing?!

1. I think the main character of my book is William. He's the narrator of the story and the son of the main character in his stories. The kind of person he is, isn't very imaginative at all, as hes telling all these stories that his father told him, i'm getting into them, but at the same time, hes telling these stories with disbelief. Don't get me wrong the stories are a little over-dramatic and are exagerated a little bit but there so interesting. William just cant use his imagination for his fathers sake.
2.If i had to compare myself to a character in the book, it would be the main one. Were both alike because we listen to mythical stories and think to ourselves, that duh this wouldn't happen in real life, but were different because i know how to use my imagination when i want to...this book for example makes me use my imagination, otherwise i wouldn't like it.
3.As the main character is see my father as being a person that cant be truthful to me, and as someone whom i cant relate to. I also see it it myself that i could have tried harder to get to know my dad, now that he is on his death bed. I smell a hospital in my mothers own home... and i feel that i don't have enough time

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